Kabarak University Press

publishing excellence . academic rigour . biblical perspective


Publish with KABU Press

We welcome the submission of book proposals that include a completed KABU Press Book Proposal Form [download here].

Manuscripts should conform to the Kabarak University Legal Citation (KALCI) Guidelines [download here].

KABU Press is happy to discuss copyright retention policies as part of the publishing agreement with Authors.

Whenever the financing model allows, KABU Press is keen to promote open access publishing, under a CC BY licence.

All manuscript submissions are submitted to double blind peer review with at least two (2) competent independent reviewers. The favourable review of these, as well as a favourable internal preliminary review is necessary for publication.

KABU Press welcomes book proposals from doctoral theses on topics of relevance to tertiary education once the author has made the effort to convert the thesis from the dissertation format into a viable book format. KABU Press also requires that such submission be accompanied by a copy of the examiner’s reports. 

KABU Press welcomes contribution to the publishing costs involved, that is, language and style-editing. Please indicate the source, form of such funding and implications for copyright in the book proposal form.

Submissions and filled book proposal forms will only be received on editor.kup@kabarak.ac.ke 

For further queries, please reach us at editor.kup@kabarak.ac.ke

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Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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