The University Senate

Functions of the Senate.

The Senate have the powers and duties to:

  1. Satisfy itself regarding the content and academic standard of any course of study in respect of any degree, diploma, certificate or other award of the University, and to report its findings thereon to the Council;
  2. Propose regulations to be made by the Council regarding the eligibility of persons for admission to a programme of study;
  3. Propose regulations to be made by the Council regarding the standard of proficiency to be gained in each examination for a degree, diploma, certificate or other award of the University;
  4. Decide which persons have attained the prescribed standard of proficiency and are otherwise fit to be granted a degree, diploma, certificate or other award of the University;
  5. Initiate the development of Statutes and proposals relating to the conduct of the University generally, discuss any matter relating to the University, and make representations thereon to the Council;
  6. Make regulations governing such other matters as are within its powers in accordance with the Charter or the Statutes.
  7. The Senate shall also perform any other duty conferred by the Charter or the Statutes.

The Membership of Senate:

The following constitute the University Senate:

  1. The Vice-Chancellor - Chairman
  2. Deputy Vice-Chancellor - (Administration & Finance)
  3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor - (Academic & Research)
  4. Registrar (Administration & Human Resource)
  5. Registrar (Academic & Research)
  6. University Provost (Student & Spiritual Affairs)
  7. Deans and Directors
  8. Dean of Students
  9. University Librarian
  10. Heads of Academic Departments
  11. Professors
  12. Two (2) Student Representatives
  13. Chief Medical Officer - In Attendance
  14. ICT Manager- In Attendance
  15. Finance Officer - In Attendance
  16. Chaplain - In Attendance

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


Located 20 Kilometres (12mi) from  CBD, along the Nakuru –  road.

P.o private bag 20157, Kabarak.

Admissions Inquiry: admissions@kabarak.ac.ke
General Inquiry: info@kabarak.ac.ke
ICT HelpDesk: icthelpdesk@kabarak.ac.ke
Accomodation: accommodation@kabarak.ac.ke

General Inquiry: 0729223370
Admissions: 0202114658
Student Finance: 254705184373
Accommodation: 254773552932 
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