Partnerships & Collaborations

The University of Lincoln Representative Visit to Kabarak University to Explore Academic Partnership

The representatives from the Lincoln International Business school, comprised of Prof. David Rugara, Dr. Paul Igwe and Dr. Lilian Korir made a two-day trip to Kabarak University with an aim of exploring the possibility of an academic partnership between Kabarak University and the University of Lincoln that will open doors for the two Universities to advance academic development, collaborative research, professional development and exchange programmes.

The team on their first day at Kabarak university had an interactive session with staff and students from the Kabarak School of Business at the Kabarak University Auditorium, enlightening them on the opportunities at the and how to secure admission into their post-graduate program.

Later on, they went for a trip around beautiful Kabarak University and were impressed by the school of Business which has realized noticeable achievements, which include increased Collaboration and partnerships with strategic partners, offering of quality and innovative academic programmes, increased enrolment of students, research outputs, research conferences, industry involvement and forums.

Day two of their visit birthed a lengthy meeting chaired by the vice chancellor, Prof. Henry Kiplagat in his boardroom. The meeting was attended by the members of University Management and representatives from the school of Business.

In his speech, the vice chancellor commented on the Kabarak University’s input in supporting the efforts by the Government of Kenya in contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as this institution of higher learning ensures inclusive and equitable quality education and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all and in turn, Kabarak University develops all-round students who will subsequently form the essential human capital required to push forward towards the attainment of the sustainable development goals.

Kabarak university continues to support partnerships with the industry and key strategic organizations across the world with the interests of students at heart as the partnerships will bring forth student exchange programmes, academic progression, grants and scholarships, flexibility in learning-F 2 F and Online programmes, develop World-ready graduates who meet employers' needs, career Enhancement, international experience/Exposure, and Work placement opportunities.

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