Mama’s hub, an output of the NRF funded project “eHealth for Universal Maternal Health Coverage in Underserved Counties and Vulnerable Population Groups in Kenya”, was featured on the Google Checkup event on 14th March 2023.
The system, developed using Google’s , comprises of web and mobile applications for access by community health volunteers, ANC nurses, mothers and their next of kin.
The overarching objective of the digitization of the Mother Child Booklet (MOH 216) is to enhance the data collection and reporting processes in Antenatal and Postnatal care in Kenya’s health sector. This will ultimately lead to improved care for mothers and children through the availability of timely, complete and accurate information. The system is currently being piloted in 5 facilities in Nakuru County with over 100 mothers enrolled so far.
The system has been developed by Intellisoft Ltd who are part of the consortium that comprises of Kabarak University (Lead), Strathmore University, Technical University of Mombasa and Emed Solutions Ltd.