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Book Donations

Dr. Moses Thiga, a Senior Lecturer at Kabarak University in the School of Science, Engineering and Technology paid a visit to the Kenya National Library Service, Nakuru County and the Nakuru County Director of Education on 3rd August 2021. During these visits, he donated 45 copies of his book titled ‘A Handbook for Establishing Computer Clubs in Kenyan High Schools’ and 530 copies of the book titled ‘How to be Safe Online’ donated by Google.

Dr. Moses Thiga, a Senior Lecturer at Kabarak University in the School of Science, Engineering and Technology paid a visit to the Kenya National Library Service, Nakuru County and the Nakuru County Director of Education on 3rd August 2021. During these visits, he donated 45 copies of his book titled ‘A Handbook for Establishing Computer Clubs in Kenyan High Schools’ and 530 copies of the book titled ‘How to be Safe Online’ donated by Google.

The objective of the outreach was to provide materials to guide and encourage high school teachers on how to start and maintain computer clubs in their respective schools. The online safety books, targeted largely at young learners aim to educate them on the safe use of the internet.

An additional 900 copies of the Computer clubs book and 1,500 copies of the online safety books were also distributed to various high schools and Primary Schools across the 47 counties through the respective county Directors of Education between 11th and 13th August 2021.

He was accompanied by Ms. Faith Yator, Coordinator Outreach and linkages, Directorate of Research, Innovation and Outreach

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