Notice For 18th Graduation Ceremony
Kabarak University wishes to inform all candidates who qualified for conferment of various degrees and award of diplomas and certificates in the 2021/2022 academic year that the 18th Graduation Ceremony will take place VIRTUALLY on December 16, 2022 starting at 9.00 a.m. at the Main Campus, Kabarak.
The Ceremony will be conducted through the blended/hybrid mode. As such, inperson attendance will be limited to:
- Members of the University Board of Trustees
- The University Governing Council
- Selected Distinguished Guests
- The University Management Board
- The University Senate
- PhD degree candidates and their supervisors
- Master’s degree candidates
- Candidates graduating with First Class Honors and Distinctions
- Candidates receiving special awards
The rest of our graduands, the University community and members of the public will follow the ceremony through live streaming on KTN television, zoom link, and University social media channels.
The Official Graduation List will be available on the University website as from December 5, 2022. The candidates are required to confirm the correct spelling and order of their names in the Graduation List. Any corrections should be reported in writing to the Registrar (Academic and Research) not later than December 5, 2022. The names will be as in the certificates the students had submitted in the application for admission to the University as follows:
- Undergraduate programs: KCSE certificates or equivalent
- Master’s degree programs: Undergraduate degree certificates
- PhD degree programs: Master’s degree certificates
Prospective candidates whose names are not in the Graduation List are advised to check with the Head of Department or Dean of School for further advice.
Only those who will have cleared outstanding fees by December 5, 2022 will be included in the Graduation List. Those who will pay outstanding fees after this deadline will be deferred to the next graduation in 2023.
Candidates should pick graduation attire from their respective Schools in Main Campus from 12th – 14th December, 2022 upon production of University and National ID/Passport. The attire should be returned to the Examinations Office on 9th – 13th January, 2022 during office hours, failure to which a penalty of Kshs.1,000 will be charged per day overdue, exclusive of weekends.
Graduation candidates are required to avail themselves for photographs that will be projected during the live ceremony coverage. Photo sessions will take place at the Main Campus on November 28 – December 9, 2022 during office hours.
Graduation booklets will be issued to all graduates when they collect their certificates and academic transcripts on the dates to be announced after the Ceremony.
For further assistance, please contact the Academic Registrar