University News and Updates

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Speech by Prof. Henry Kiptiony Kiplangat during the Significance of Quality Assurance and Education in Social Development Traning

Since the medieval period, universities have evolved to become centres of new knowledge, understanding, skills and experience through research, learning and teaching, leadership, outreach and service to society.

Opening remarks by Prof. Henry Kiptiony Kiplangat during the opening of School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences

With great pleasure, I welcome you all to this year’s Kabarak University 12th International Research Conferences hosted by the School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences and pre-conference training mounted by the Kenya Universities Qu...

Kabarak University Nakuru City Campus Team building at the Lake Elementaita Mountain Lodge

Kabarak University city campus had plans to celebrate this year’s mashujaa day by having a team-building activity at the Lake Elementaita Mountain Lodge. The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Henry Kiplangat graced the and set off the day with father...

Kabarak University School of Music and Media Mentorship program with MCK and MBCI

Kabarak University school of music and media this afternoon had a mentorship session for the students in the department of media. The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) led by the Regional Coordinator Nakuru Mr. Jackson Karanja and head of radio and...

Delt Training Session on 21st Century Skills and Pedagogy for New Academic Staff

Kabarak University’s Vision is to become a center of academic excellence founded on Biblical Christian Values with one of our core values being Excellence and Professionalism. To enhance these values, the Directorate of Excellence in Learning ...

Njoro Central Secondary School Life Time Experience at Kabarak University

Mentoring offers an opportunity to expand viewpoints, develop communication skills, and consider new ways of approaching situations. Kabarak University is second to none in providing great mentorship to high school students who come to visit t...

School of Business and Economics International Research Conference

The Kabarak University School of Business and Economics hosted its 12th Annual International Research Conference on the theme of Global trends in trade, investment, and growth today. The keynote speaker paid a courtesy call to the vice-chancel...

Devolution Book Launch

On 11 October 2022, Kabarak University Press launched its second book titled, Decentralisation and inclusion in Kenya: From pre-colonial times to the first decade of devolution, at the National Museum of Kenya in Nairobi.

School of Music and Media Holds a Two-Day International Research Conference

The Kabarak University School of Music and Media is the youngest formed school which was instituted earlier this year under the leadership of the founding Dean Professor Mellitus Wanyama. The school is currently hosting its 1st two-day Annual ...

Speech Delivered by Prof. Henry Kiptiony Kiplangat, Vice-Chancellor, Kabarak University, During the First-Year Students Orientation on Thursday 6th October, 2022

I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I join other members of staff and students who have previously met you and made you feel at home in your University of choice. I pray that my contribution this afternoon will sol...

Speech Delivered by the Vice-Chancellor, During the 12th Annual International Research Conference School of Music and Media on Thursday October 6 2022

I am pleased to welcome you all to our 12th Annual International Research Conference hosted by the School of Music and Media. So far, we have hosted the Media and Communication Conference in March, Law Conference, School of Medicine and Health...

Digital Literacy Day-Outreach Activity

Kabarak university in collaboration with Kenya national library, Nakuru, and yes you can, had a digital literacy training day targeting library staff, volunteers, Digital literacy pupil champions, and teachers from selected schools. This was t...

Knowledge transfer and book donation at Baringo Bible College, Kabarnet

Kabarak University, School of Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences (Department of Theology & Biblical Studies) on 5th July 2022 visited Baringo Bible college to offer talks on interest areas, strategic ministry areas, and knowledge t...

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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